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MBABANE – Efforts to improve energy security in the Kingdom of Eswatini are showing positive results indeed.

This comes after the completion of a 10MW Solar Photo-Voltaic Power Plant worth E250 million by the Eswatini Electricity Company (EEC) at Qomintaba. What comes as good news is that this project will reduce electricity imports by approximately five percent and with enough electricity to power the city of Mbabane in a day.

Also benefiting Emaswati is that the project has managed to provide employment to at least 200 people.

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Prime Minister Cleopas Sipho Dlamini today completed a tour of the 10MW Solar Photo-Voltaic Power Plant at Qomintaba as well as the Ncandweni and Ndzevane Substations constructed by EEC.

The two projects form part of government’s efforts to improve energy security in Eswatini.

Speaking during the tour, the premier said the project is ably positioned to respond to the Sustainable Energy for All initiative that aims to increase renewable energy generation in the national energy mix to 50 percent by the year 2030 as well as mitigate and adapt to climate change.

“The construction and completion of the Ncandweni Substation as well as the electricity transmission line from Sinceni to Ncandweni and Ncandweni to Ndzevane are an example of the many network reinforcement projects developed in order to strengthen power supply,” he said.

He said improving the electricity grid’s performance in this area is vital in order to ensure the success of the many agricultural projects in the area; in particular Phase II of the Lower Usutu Small-Holder Irrigation scheme (LUSIP II).

“The strengthening of the national electricity network also makes it feasible for government to surge ahead with the rural electrification programme with the aim to attain universal access to modern energy for all emaSwati by the year 2030,” he said.

He continued: “This project adds to a portfolio of other energy projects that the country is currently pursuing. These include the Coal Thermal Power Project which has passed the feasibility study stage and is currently at the design phase.” The PM further stated that other projects include the 40 MW Solar PV and 40MW Biomass procured through the Independent Power Producer programme by the Eswatini Energy Regulatory Authority as well as others implemented by the private sector.
