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MBABANE – Young graduates who applied under the UNDP-initiated youth programme will start their fellowships.

Of the 3 000 unemployed graduates who applied under the Eswatini Youth Empowerment Programme (EYEP), 200 will begin fellowships with various organisations before the end of June.

In addition, 90 young people who applied for artisanal skills training have started their two-month training programme facilitated by the Manzini Industrial Training Centre (MITC).

This is according to a statement released by UNDP yesterday, it mentioned that the majority of the graduates, at 60 per cent, hold Bachelor’s Degrees, while the rest have Diplomas, Associate Degrees, and Honours Degrees.

“The graduates will be placed with various organisations for a renewable period of six months. The graduates were matched with 30 organisations, including Eswatini Bank, Eswatini Sugar Association, Eswatini Standards Authority, Eswatini Environment Authority, Parliament of the Kingdom of Eswatini, and the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office, to mention a few,” read the statement in part.

UNDP further mentions that in their quest to leave no one behind, the festival continues to encourage partnerships with companies to support the EYEP by signing up to host graduates and providing financial resources to pay stipends.

“We would also like to encourage organisations to ensure that they give an opportunity to graduates from communities that are left behind, such as Persons with Disabilities, women and youth from remote rural backgrounds,” reads the statement further.

Worth noting is that, the artisanal skills training component is implemented in all four regions in partnership with municipalities.

Ezulwini Municipality was the first to start, and the deadline for applications for Mankayane Town Board (Manzini Region), Nhlangano City Council (Shiselweni Region) and Siteki City Council (Lubombo Region) was May 31, 2023.

It is said About 500 youth from Ezulwini and surrounding areas applied for the Artisanal Skills Training component of EYEP. Of these, 90 were selected, and they started their training in building, welding, electrical house wiring, upholstery, sewing and plumbing this week.

Of these courses, plumbing, electrical house wiring and upholstery have a balanced mix of men and women, at 50 per cent. While this course was meant for non-graduates and out-of-school youth, some courses attracted applicants with tertiary education. Participants will receive certificates and starter packs to propel them to start small businesses.

According to UNDP website, EYEP results from a partnership between the Government, UNDP, private sector, municipalities and tertiary institutions.

The Programme supports young graduates between 18 to 35 years old to gain work experience, skills, and access to jobs. It also reaches out to young people with little or no tertiary education for training on entrepreneurship for business start-ups. Over 2 800 unemployed graduates applied under the Programme in its first year of implementation.