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MBABANE– Kudos to the Government of Eswatini!

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has appreciated the country’s Government for being inclusive by inducting persons living with disabilities with the general elections.

Speaking at the ‘Disability Inclusive Elections Training’ workshop at Happy Valley Hotel in Ezulwini this morning, UNFPA Head of Office Margaret Thwala-Tembe said she was happy to make remarks at the important workshop where they would discuss ways of promoting disability inclusive elections in 2023 and strengthen stakeholder’s capacity and knowledge to implement disability inclusive elections.

“We applaud the Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini, the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office, for all the efforts made in creating an enabling environment for persons with disabilities to participate in the national development agenda.

“This has been achieved through national legislations, that is, the Persons With Disability Act of 2018, PWDs Regulation and international treaties ratification for example, United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) as well as programmes that promote disability mainstreaming in Eswatini.

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“The aim of having this engagement today is to come up with strategies of promoting and ensuring the participation of PWDs in the 2023 elections as well as removing barriers for participation and reaffirming the abilities of persons with disabilities.

‘The year 2030 is fast approaching. For the world to achieve the Sustainable development goals, every citizen including persons with disabilities must play a part. That’s why we need voices of persons with disabilities where decisions are made and their capacities are built to continue and lead in their communities during this time of elections. Participation of persons with disabilities in the electoral process provides the basis for mainstreaming their inclusion in all aspects of society by breaking down social stigmas and increasing the accountability of elected representatives,” said the UNFPA Head of Office.

Thwala-Tembe further said participation of persons with disabilities in elections would remain a dream if, polling stations were not disability friendly, voting information was not in accessible formats and voter attitudes were negative.

“We need to work together in ensuring that each and every voting station is accessible through ramps, has interpreters and information is provided in large format or braille. Let us all act swiftly in showcasing the capabilities of persons with disabilities in their different spaces in order to show that disability does not translate to inability. “May I also re-affirm UNFPA’s readiness to work with the government and all stakeholders to improve participation of persons with disabilities in the upcoming elections and beyond.”