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MBABANE – “2023 is an important year for emaSwati as it is an election year, when the citizens get to exercise their democratic right to choose the people they want to represent their interests in Parliament. We note with appreciation the support for this process extended by the American Government by encouraging participation, which has contributed to the impressive registration numbers,”

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These were sentiments shared by His Majesty King Mswati III during the United States of America’s 247 Independence celebration yesterday. His Majesty spoke through Prince Gcina.

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His Majesty listed several areas supported by the U.S. Government in Eswatini, including health, education, security, job creation and others. He also appreciated the recent award given to the Kingdom by Global AIDS Coordinator and PEPFAR Special Representative for Global Health Security Dr John Nkengasong.

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“We are happy to note that you could find friends among the people of the Kingdom of Eswatini. The friendship has spanned over five decades and we look forward to many more years of fruitful ties as our relationship continue to grow from strength to strength,”

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In addition to that, His Majesty said Eswatini is faced with a growing youth population that is largely unemployed. Therefore, every initiative that provides new business opportunities is critical. It is in this vein that the country values the contribution that AGOA makes to creating employment by providing a market for locally produced goods.

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“We further commend your efforts to empower more women to run for office. We do believe this effort will help us achieve our national goal of increasing women’s representation in Parliament. We thank emaSwati for coming out in numbers to register and urge them to make this effort count by going out to nominate and vote in the days to come,” said His Majesty.

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In addition to that he said, as the nation heads to the polls, he remains cognizant of the fellow citizens from several countries across the globe who are unable to enjoy such a right due to the absence of peace.

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“We call on the UN and other security Organs of the world to work towards silencing the guns and restoring the peace in order for meaningful development to take place. No one should be left behind,”said His Majesty.