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MBABANE- Kudliwa Inhloko.’

It would seem this year’s men’s conference came double. Just a few months after the infamous February Men’s conference, here comes a second one; hence do not worry if you missed the previous one.

This publication has established that Eswatini Tinyawo Foundation will host a men’s conference at Silovela Green Valley on July 1, 2023.

According to the foundation, it will be an excellent opportunity for men to learn, share their experiences, and discuss men issues together.

It has been disclosed that speakers will address topics such as mental health, understanding what it means to be a man, strategies to improve financial literacy skills, work-life balance, and the importance of association.

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The Foundation has stated that one of the biggest issues affecting men today is mental health.

According to the foundation, societal expectations often lead men to believe that expressing vulnerability or seeking help is a sign of weakness. This, coupled with the misconceptions and stigma attached to mental health, can make men suffer in silence.

However, talking openly about mental health can reduce the misconceptions and stigma and encourage those who are suffering to seek help and find a support network.

Another topic that will be discussed is the issue of financial literacy. The Foundation will empower men on financial literacy, for individuals to make smarter decisions and have significant benefits for men’s financial health.

It is important to understand strategies to improve financial literacy skills to improve one’s financial position.

The event will also address issues on work-life balance. That men, too, find it challenging to balance work, family, and leisure. Which can lead to stress and anxiety, affect their physical and emotional well-being as well.

The Foundation also stresses the importance of how association can also play a crucial role in men’s lives. The important to mingle with other men for a better understanding of various situations. For them Associating with others can help men share their experiences, understand solutions, and grow together.

The event is open to all men, and tickets are available for E450, which includes refreshments and a t-shirt. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to connect with other men and grow together. Eswatini Tinyawo Foundation is a non-profit organization that was solely formed to help the needy both youth and old. They main focus is to do empowerment seminars.

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