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… Bags two awards for outstanding quality


MBABANE – Government continues to recognise and reward exceptional contributors in the Eswatini economy and standards of service delivery.


The Minister of Commerce, Industry and Trade, Manqoba Khumalo, today awarded the best performing businesses are the Eswatini Quality Awards ceremony today.

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Winning big in the competition was the LiSwati-owned company, MA Consulting Engineers, which was crowned as the MSME Organisation of the Year and the MSME Eswatini Service of the Year.


Speaking at the awards ceremony, Minister Khumalo emphasised that it is important for Government to recognise and award such exceptional performance by organisations in Eswatini as they help Government with her mandate to develop the country for Emaswati.


“The organisations that we are celebrating today are worth honouring because they are complementing and supporting Government’s agenda of fast-tracking the country’s economic recovery and poverty reduction through pursuit of local MSME development and an export driven economy,” said the Minister.


“To realise competitive potential through quality, the Government has continually developed, strengthened and transformed the policy and legislative framework of the national quality infrastructure into one that is guided by national, regional priorities and international best practices,” further noted the Minister.

The Minister of Commerce attended the Eswatini Quality Awards ceremony as one of his first engagements after being sworn in earlier in the week.

The Minister also awarded the Municipal Council of Mbabane (Organization of the Year – Large Enterprise), Nkonyeni Pre-Cast (Product of the Year – Large Category), His Majesty’s Correctional Services (Service of the Year – Large Enterprise) and Swazi Plastic Industries (Exporter of the Year – Large Enterprise), The Municipal Council of Manzini Laboratory (Conformity Assessment Body of the Year (Testing 17025)), and the Mbabane Government Hospital Laboratory (Conformity Assessment Body of the Year (ISO/IEC 15189)).