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MBABANE – The 55/55 double celebration aims to bring the nation together, instilling a sense of pride, resilience, and unity among citizens. The event will not only commemorate His Majesty the King Mswati the III’s birthday but also mark Eswatini’s 55 years of independence since gaining autonomy from colonial rule.

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Her Royal Highness Princess Lindiwe, the Minister of Home Affairs, yesterday addressed esteemed traditional leaders of the Manzini Region to announce a momentous double celebration on September 6,2023 in the Hhohho Region.

The event will honour both the birthday of His Majesty King Mswati III and the country’s 55 years of independence. This announcement marks a significant occasion, as such an event has not been held in the country for quite some time.

Speaking at the meeting held at George Hotel in the Manzini, Princess Lindiwe acknowledged the challenges that Eswatini has faced in recent times. She highlighted the impact of two major crises, namely the global COVID-19 pandemic and the political unrest. However, she emphasised that these challenges have called for unity among the citizens.

“It has been a while since we last had such an event in our country, and it is an honour to announce the 55/55 double celebration,” stated Princess Lindiwe.

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She further said : Eswatini has endured two tremendous situations that have affected us deeply. The global COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted lives and economies across the world, while the political unrest has brought darkness to our beloved nation.

Princess Lindiwe stressed the importance of unity and coming together as a nation during these trying times.

“In the face of these challenges, it is crucial that we stand united. Our nation’s strength lies in our ability to rally together, drawing from our cultural heritage and our shared values. It is through unity that we will overcome these difficulties and forge a brighter future for Eswatini,” she said.

The Minister expressed her confidence in the Manzini traditional leaders, recognizing their crucial role in promoting unity and preserving cultural traditions.

She commended their commitment to the nation’s well-being and called upon them to actively participate in the upcoming celebration. Princess Lindiwe stated,

“I have faith in the wisdom and leadership of the Manzini traditional leaders. As custodians of our cultural heritage, your support and active involvement in this celebration will be instrumental in fostering unity among our people,” said the Princess.

Upon receiving this news, Prince Bhekwako of Mphini Royal Kraal, speaking on behalf of the traditional leaders, expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Minister Lindiwe for the announcement. He affirmed the traditional leader’s unwavering commitment to upholding the customs and traditions of the Kingdom of Eswatini.

Furthermore, Prince Bhekwako assured the Minister that the Manzini traditional leaders would act in accordance with the time-honoured customs and protocols to ensure the success and grandeur of the 55/55 Double Celebration.  He expressed his deep appreciation for the recognition bestowed upon the traditional leaders and the significance of their role to ensure such an event is a success.