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By Ntokozo Magongo

MBABANE – The Eswatini Olympic and Commonwealth Games Association (EOCGA) will empower 61 personnel involved in the running of sports with the Sports Administration Level 1.

The 61 participants will include national sports federations or association administrators, four high schools principals, media personalities and the school sports association. The four-day course will be held in two weekends May 18-19 and May 25-26 at the Olympiafrica Sports Centre, Lobamba.

EOCGA Chief Executive Officer Maxwell Jele said this was the second edition of the course following one that was held last year in October were 35 attended with nine getting distinctions, 22 passed and there were four failures.

Jele said after the course on May 26, the participants will be handed participation certificates with the graduation ceremony held at a later stage where they will combine it with the first edition.

Meanwhile, Jele said they had invited Lesotho National Olympic Committee (LNOC) Chief Executive Officer, Morake Raleaka who will be guest speaker during the opening of the course on Saturday and Sunday.

Jele said such courses assist in the development of sports in the country and they held in introducing professionalism.