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…as Ministry of Agriculture continues to open markets


MBABANE – “For those who own feedlots, those who want to slaughter, and for those who want to lobola”.

This is who the livestock marketing officer in the Ministry of Agriculture, Mzamo Bhembe, said they are targeting at the next Cattle Auction. The auction has been announced to take place on July 26 at Magoga Fattening Ranch, where 96 CATTLE will go under the gavel.

Speaking to Eswatini Positive News, the livestock marketing officer confirmed that they will be auctioning steers, heifers, oxen, cows, and one bull.

“The breakdown is such that we have steers for feedlotters. We have cows for those who want to farm cattle. We also have livestock which is ready for slaughter, for those who are in abbattoir or butchery businesses. These are the people we are targeting,” said Bhembe.

He added that this is also usually a time when a lot of Emaswati are getting married in the year, so those who are looking to pay dowry/lobola can also come and get their livestock at the auction.

The Ministry hosts livestock auctions every two months.

“This is one of the ways the Ministry creates markets for livestock. This makes it easier for those looking to purchase livestock to find it all in one place as opposed to traveling all over the country to try and buy livestock,” said Bhembe citing the convenience of the auction for market players.

The auction will begin at 10 AM on July 26, 2023.