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MBABANE – A 12 year-old Hlelolwenkhosi Nsibande from Evelyn Baring Primary School says parents and guardians are responsible for making sure that children have enough nutritious food.

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As the world continues to honour children, World Vision Eswatini decided that on the day they would be giving children the platform to voice out their opinions concerning their rights, Nsibande is one of them. The World’s Children Day was formally commemorated on the 20th of November 2023.

Nsibande talked about their rights as children focusing more on the right to nutrition for their growing and developing bodies.

“The Eswatini government, parents and guardians are responsible for making sure that children have enough nutritious food. Even in the midst of challenges they should make sure that the children in Eswatini are well fed because every child has a right to nutrition,” he said.

He also applauded the wonderful work done by World Vision of assisting children who have a challenge when it comes to getting sufficient food.

“We are from different backgrounds and families, I am grateful to God that I still have both my parents who feed me but some of my peers do not have that. World Vision plays a crucial part in making sure that they also get enough food,” said Nsibande.

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Nsibande later pleaded with the government of Eswatini to continue and assist NGOs that focuses on the welfare of children.

Sibusiso Nhlabatsi from World Vision said there was a global call where the issues of food were addressed and it was revealed that this is a world crisis.

“The call was joined by world organisations including, World health, World Food Programme and Food Bank. During the call the youth suggested that the government should allow them to use any unoccupied land for farming to produce more nutritious food and fight hunger,” said Nhlabatsi.