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MBABANE: When words fail, just recite them!

I met him a few years ago at the Mbabane Theatre Club. His passion for poetry was written on his face on stage. We have over the years run into each other in entertainment circles until I met him a few days ago and told him it was time we did that profile, he shared with us about his passion for poetry, his upcoming one-man show, and his book!

Introducing Majaha Keven Nkonyane, aka Poeticsoul, was born in Mbabane and grew up both in Nhlangano and Zombodze Emuva. 

This is what he had to say:

How did you come up with your stage name?

I got the idea that my poetry touches the soul and got creative about it. I do poetry (poetic), and my poetry touches the soul (poetic soul).


When did you fall in love with poetry?

I have been in this poetry business for a while; I can date it back to as far as Form I in high school. I remember in the first literature class, I randomly asked the teacher to recite a poem.

I am truly passionate about poetry and its ability to inspire and uplift individuals. In fact, I have been fervently working on a plan to host a one-man poetry show in 2024 with the intention of igniting a love for poetry in the hearts of the audience.

My goal is not only to share my own poetic creations but also to encourage and motivate a young generation of poets to embrace their creativity and express themselves through the art of poetry. In essence, my endeavours in poetry extend beyond personal expression; they are driven by a genuine desire to connect with others and foster a deeper appreciation for the art form.

I am dedicated to nurturing a community of poets and poetry enthusiasts, and I believe that the upcoming show and book release will contribute significantly to this endeavour.

What was your first poem about?

If I remember very well, my first poem was ‘Falling in Love with a Man’. This poem was about falling in love with Jesus. So the title gives the idea that I love my gender, yet it has little to do with that but more to do with salvation.

Your favourite poem

My favourite poem is ‘I froze’ I particularly love this poem because it speaks about a lady I fell in love with, is a combination of both English and Siswati, and creates a clear picture of how this woman looks.

Where have you performed?

My exposure to performing has, for now, been between Eswatini and South Africa. In both countries, I have been on many stages.

Your most memorable performance?

My most memorable performance was in 2012 at what is today called Healing Place Church in Mbabane, where I shared a stage with American Christian poet Ezekiel Azonwu.


Are poets paid enough in the country?

To be honest, no, we are not paid enough.

Can a poet survive on his work only in the country?

That would be suicidal, especially because there are bills to be paid and life is not at a standstill; generally, life is costly. We are not booked as often as we would love to be. Even when we are booked, we often have to negotiate our rate.


Who is your favourite poet, both locally and internationally?

Locally, my favourite poet is Zwelakhe Fakudze (Poetic General). Internationally, I like Ezekiel Azonwu (Words by Ezekiel).

Whom would you love to share a stage with?

I would love to share a stage with the Last Man (Mxolisi Radebe)

Tell us about the book you are working on.

 I am in the process of working on a book that I plan to release in the near future. This book will serve as a culmination of my poetic journey, containing a collection of my most cherished works and reflections. I aspire for this book to serve as a source of inspiration and contemplation for readers, offering them a glimpse into the profound beauty and power of poetry.

What is the next project you are working on?

The prospect of hosting my poetry show fills me with great excitement, as I envision the potential impact it could have on those who attend. Through my performance, I hope to convey the depth of emotions and experiences that poetry can encapsulate and, ultimately, leave a lasting impression on the audience. I am committed to crafting a captivating and meaningful experience that will resonate with individuals from all walks of life.

Furthermore, I am also in the process of working on a book that I plan to release in the near future. This book will serve as the culmination of my poetic journey, containing a collection of my most.

Other than poetry shows, where else are you booked to perform?

For now, I am booked to perform at the Cheese and Wine with Kings and Queens to be held on February 10 at Esibayeni Lodge.

Other than poetry, what else are you passionate about?

I love reading and writing; of course, these are my number one passions, but I am intrigued by what a particular author has in mind. Writing is a big part of my life, as it also makes up my 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.