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MBABANE – As the rollout of the Eswatini Youth Empowerment Programme continues, today ten organisations received 50 graduates to host for the next six months to help them build their skills while gaining experience and earning a monthly stipend.

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Since July, 190 graduates have been placed with 44 organisations.

“This programme has given hope to young people as they have a gateway to the world of work. Thank you for this initiative. We have been longing for so long to be socially responsible but couldn’t because of lack of funds. This programme has gone a long way for our organisations,” said Nyasi Kanduza SEDCO Human Resource Manager.

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UNDP Deputy Resident Representative David Omozuafoh thanked the host organisations for opening their doors to youth.

He urged the graduates to seek to do things differently. not be satisfied with being average. Allow their passion to define their future.

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“This was not just an induction but an awakening. It helped us remember who we are. It is not about finding a job but getting to know who you are and investing in yourself,” Sanele Simelane, a BSc in Environmental Health graduate, referring to the three-day induction programme that prepared them for the world of work ahead of their deployment.

Courtesy Pics of UNDP Eswatini