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LUDZIDZINI – The Government of Eswatini Spokesperson Alpheous Nxumalo has revealed that the Attorney General is going to consult His Majesty King Mswati III on the current Cabinet.

Nxumalo was speaking after His Majesty dissolved the current 11th Parliament.

He said he was very impressed with His Majesty’s address and the dissolution of the Parliament.

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Attorney General Sifiso Khumalo (L) with Ludzidzini Indvuna Themba Ginindza (R).

“The Attorney General is consulting with the king on the current standing of the cabinet which is formed by some Members of the Parliament which will be announced in due course,” he said.

Worth mentioning is that, his Majesty did not come clear as to what would happen to Cabinet, as in 2013 there was an announcement of a committee which he referred to as ‘sigejane’ that was to hold the fort while a new government was being elected into office.

It has always been the norm that whenever Parliament is dissolved, His Majesty is left with a small team he will work with to wrap up government business.

Meanwhile Nxumalo stated that other announcements to ensure the smooth running of government would follow as it had always been the case in the past.