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MBABANE– The Minister of Education and Training Lady Howard- Mabuza has called for all hands on deck.

She was speaking during the graduation of 90 artisan students at Ezulwini yesterday.

She said assignments to this type of education and its ability to change young people’s lives, are complex and huge, allowing them to contribute to the economic transformation of the country.

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“Today, we are delighted to be a part of history in the making as we all participate in this joyous event where a big number of our young people took the initiative to apply to the portal made available to them for the training on the TVET component. Your efforts have not been in vain, and a lot of other youths will look up to you as a good example of an effort well spent,” said Minister of Sports, Culture and Youth Affairs, Harris Bulunga.

Meanwhile, United Nations (UN) Eswatini Resident Coordinator, George Wachira said :

“I suggest that we also recognise that artisanal skills can play a major role in ensuring value addition to our raw materials and natural resources as key to driving manufacturing and industrialisation in order to get value for our rich natural endowments,”

“As we all know the causes of youth unemployment are complex and multifaceted and therefore require all hands on deck, across institutions and most importantly – involvement of community structures/institutions, which I’m proud to say this pilot Eswatini Artisan Training programme has demonstrated” UNDP Resident Representative, Rose Ssebatindira

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As UNDP and partners continue to roll out the Eswatini Youth Empowerment Programme (EYEP), 90 artisans from Ezulwini and surrounding areas graduated and received starter packs yesterday.

The graduates are young people who were out of the formal school system and unemployed.

They were selected for the EYEP Artisanal Skills Training after applying for this programme. The 90 graduates where 51 per cent are female and 49 percent are male were selected from over 350 applicants.

The graduation ceremony follows a three-month training of the youth in six courses: sewing, upholstery, plumbing, building and construction, electrical installation, and metal work – facilitated by the Manzini Industrial Training Centre (MITC). Each course had 15 participants.

The high-level event was attended by the Minister of Education and Training, Lady Howard-Mabuza, Minister of Sports Culture and Youth Affairs, Hon. Harris Bulunga, the Chief of Ezulwini who is also the Attorney General, Sifiso Khumalo, UN Resident Coordinator, George Wachira, UNDP Resident Representative, Rose Ssebatindira, Ezulwini Mayor, Bongile Mbingo, EYEP donors, stakeholders and invited guests.

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Speaking on behalf of the graduates, Phinda Nyambose, appealed to businesses and communities to support the artisans because they have acquired adequate skills although this was a three-month training programme. For example, he said, the metalwork participants have secured a tender to renovate a home in one of the capital city’s suburbs and got their first cheque from a very impressed client.

“We are registering companies, and we’ll be knocking on your doors to support us,” said Nyambose, adding: “Please continue working with the youth.”

Echoing the words of her colleague, Gugulethu Masuku expressed her gratitude to EYEP sponsors who have provided financial support to the programme for the training, transport, starter packs and meals.

These include the Ministry of Economic Planning and Development, Coca-Cola-CONCO, Public Service Pension Fund, MTN, and Ezulwini Municipality. The Construction Industry Council has also partnered with the programme to help the graduates access internship opportunities to sharpen their skills.

“Your generosity has allowed us to pursue our dreams, shape our skills and embark on our remarkable journey. Your belief in us has inspired us to work hard and strive for excellence,” said Masuku.

The graduates brought their finished products to the event. Sewing graduates showcased the clothes they made, metalworkers brought a braai stand and those in upholstery a sofa and ottoman.

Speaking on behalf of parents, Thoko Kunene-Makhanya expressed gratitude to UNDP and partners for supporting the youth to find sources of livelihood to support themselves.

“As a grandmother, we find ourselves having to share our grants with our children, but this programme has taken care of this responsibility,” said Kunene-Makhanya. She appealed to all partners to ensure the programme continues supporting other unemployed young people to get skills.