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…..Corruption stands in the way of Eswatini progress

…..Govt should prioritise action on corruption

…..law enforcement agencies should apply zero tolerance to corruption


LOBAMBA – Sounds of Bayethe reverberated in the House of Assembly when His Majesty King Mswati III ordered government to effect arrests on all individuals involved in corruption.


Delivering his speech from the Throne today in Parliament, the King said corruption stands in the way of progress to Eswatini plans, programmes and projects for development.

The King said Emaswati have made their voices heard at Sibaya by expressing frustration with the lack of tangible progress in addressing this issue.

“We strongly encourage government to prioritise taking action on this matter. It is high time we witness judgements passed on individuals involved in corruption, holding them accountable for their actions,” the King said.

He continued: “Law enforcement agencies and structures must work together in our quest for zero tolerance for corruption in Eswatini,”


The King concluded his address by stating that the year 2024 holds great potential. He thanked all Emaswati for their support and promoting peace and stability that exists in the country.

He said this will allow government to concentrate on achieving the country’s national development objectives.

“we shall realize prosperity if we all pull together with the new parliamentarians in their efforts to tackle the challenges ahead and pave the way for a prosperous future for generations to come. Instead of fixating on the bickering that hinder our progress, let us direct our attention and energies towards discovering sustainable solutions. These will fortify our economy, elevate our social well-being, provide job creation, improve healthcare, and reinforce other crucial sectors, thus paving the path for a bright future for the nation,” he said.


The king said it is crucial that Emaswati put respect on a pedestal in all endeavours, as it is a characteristic that truly defines our identity as Emaswati.

“Let us spring to action and target at attaining above 5% economic growth whilst tackling the pressing issues of poverty, unemployment and service delivery. for government to address these key national challenges ‘akagijime atsi nkwe!”

he continued: “we can overcome it, and we know this, because when we come together with a shared purpose and each person plays their part, we can move mountains. Unity is our strength! We implore our new parliamentarians to fully embrace their responsibilities and we pray for divine guidance and protection throughout your term,” he said.