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MBABANE– Tributes to late Eswatini musician legend Smiles Makama have been pouring in since the announcement of his demise last Friday.

Smiles Mandla Makama is said to have died peacefully in his sleep. His death was announced by Member of Parliament Lutfo Dlamini.

Here is what some artists and fans had to say about Makama:

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Qibho Intalektual

I’d like to express my heartfelt condolences to the family of Smiles Makama, I hope they may find solace and comfort in that he has so remarkably immortalised himself through his music, innovativeness, grace, and ingenuity. I’m personally grateful to Smiles for always being a father to me in the arts and I wish him safe passage in his journey to the hereafter.

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Tutu Mkhabela

He was a gentle giant. I recall meeting him for the first time. He was oozing with class, lanky, and not easy to miss. He was clad in leather from head to toe with knee length boots. He walked around with the strides of Emperors. We had a brief, rich talk about his aspirations with the music and art industry in the country. He was passionate. Farewell Legend. When a big tree falls, the sound is heard miles away.


Bheki Ngobese

Rest in peace Makama. It is hard to believe the last time I saw you was the last time I would ever see you. Thank you for the good times we shared. Sleep well brother. Your music will live on.

Aline Motsa

The last time I saw Smiles was during Qibho Intalektual’s show at the Theatre Club. He said my son was a handsome and stylish young man and he reminded him of himself. I was genuinely happy for that comment especially because I also noticed he was very stylish and very expressive in terms of fashion. I feel really honoured to have met him in this lifetime. The beautiful thing about music is that it will live on.

Desmond Maphanga

May your soul rest in peace Smiles. We come a long way, even before your great invention, the Smilophone. We wish you a rewarding journey when you meet greats on the other side.


About Smiles

According to Mail and Guardian, Smiles created a musical instrument known as a ‘Smilerphone’ which he also called a ‘Swazi Synthesizer’. The instrument he designed brings seven bows (makhoyanes) together into one assembly on a bamboo frame. The bows are tuned to the pentatonic scale and can be pulled and released to bend notes.

At the age 0f 63, Makama won a Lifetime Achievement Award at the December 2018 MTN Swaziland Music Awards.

He also completed two tracks on an EP called Ode to Eswatini, produced by George Weston (aka Sydney) and features Swazi musicians and was to be released on a Bristol-based independent label.

Makama spent a larger portion of his music career in the Netherlands, Amstedam before returning to Eswatini.

Makama is known to some as ‘Eswatini’s Snoop Dogg’, because he was tall, angular and alert and beared a passing resemblance to the rapper.

Music came into Makama’s life early; he was drawn to the drumming of traditional healers. He left the family household to make music and began rehearsing with his first band, Calabash Zanka.