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SITEKI– Are you an aspiring model?

If that is the case, you are in luck, as Eswatini National Council of Arts and Culture (ENCAC) will this weekend have double auditions for Lubombo Miss Teen and for Models Association 2024.

The auditions will take place at the Siteki Art Centre from 11am until 2pm.

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This was confirmed by the chairperson of the Models Association in Lubombo, Penelope Maziya. She is also part of the National Pageants Committee, Eswatini. She shared with this publication that the two different auditions will happen at the same venue on the same day (Siteki Arts Centre).

She said: “We will be having auditions for models this weekend for Lubombo Miss Teen and models to be part of Arts and Culture. We don’t have a specific number; we are ready to accept as many as we can, as long as they qualify to be models.”

Maziya went on to say the auditions would take place around the Lubombo towns, starting with Siteki on March 16, Simunye on March 23, and Big Bend on March 30.

The requirements for Lubombo Miss Teen are:

  • They must be Swati.
  • They must be 14–118 years old.
  • Attending high school
  • The registration fee is E70.
  • Provide half a picture (quality).
  • 1 half picture (head to shoulder)
  • Provide a birth certificate.

The joining fee for joining the Model Association in 2024 is E150.