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MBABANE – Roman Catholic Churches in the country are today commemorating Ash Wednesday.

This was revealed by Father Mahazule, who has been with the Roman Catholic Church for over 10 years.

He said Ash Wednesday is a holy day that signifies the beginning of Lent. It marks the entry into a season of spiritual preparation for Holy Week, which culminates in Easter

“Any march toward the redeeming work of Christ must begin with recognition of our need for his grace and that reminder is Ash Wednesday.

“The day affirms that we are dust, as ashes are literally spread in a cross on our foreheads. The cross represents Jesus and how he has redeemed us. We are encouraged to seek repentance with humble hearts and prepare for his gift” he said.

Worth noting is that Ash Wednesday is a significant religious observance for Christians worldwide, as it serves as a time for spiritual introspection and a way to connect with God through communal prayer and fasting.

It is observed about six weeks before Easter Sunday, which commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The primary objective of Ash Wednesday is to pay homage to Christ’s 40-day fast and practice self-discipline in the desert before beginning his ministry. According to the Bible, Jesus was tempted by Satan during this time before he began preaching.

Mahazula said for Romans and Christians, abstaining from a common luxury and observing a fast on Ash Wednesday is a way to prepare for the Lenten season and the eventual celebration of Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension into Heaven.

“The Roman Catholic Church is the most significant denomination that observes Ash Wednesday and typically holds a large service at the Vatican in Rome,” he said.

Meanwhile the Roman Catholic Church members are going to be leaving tomorrow for Ngome, a pilgrimage service that allows them to connect with Jesus on a new level.

 This trip, which is a monthly and yearly occurrence, has been praised by the Eswatini Tourism Authority (ETA) as a tourism booster for both South Africa and Eswatini.

According to the Internet, fasting rules on Ash Wednesday vary among different Christian denominations. Catholics, for instance, typically avoid eating meat during their fasting on this holy day.

The church permits young and elderly Catholics to have one full meal and two smaller meals on Ash Wednesday.

Although the fasting rules are usually observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, some Catholics practise them throughout the entire Lenten period.