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EZULWINI– Senate President Lindiwe Dlamini has said ASSECAA has become a crucial platform for dialogue as well as socio-economic and political cooperation between Africa and the Arab world.

The Senate President said ASSECAA has evolved into a formidable crucible for ideas and new thinking that inspires Africa and the Arab World to harness their potential for the benefit of their peoples in spite of challenges emanating from the prevailing world economic order.

Dlamini was making her remarks during the 10th Retreat of the Association of Senates, SHOORA and Equivalent Councils of Africa and the Arab World (ASSECAA) currently ongoing at the Royal Swazi Spa Convention Centre at Ezulwini.

She further noted that in ancient times, the Middle East, North Africa and the African continent at large were a melting pot for pioneering civilizations.

In her speech she said, ASSECCAA is the confluence where their civilisations can once again connect so that they can collectively fashion a new era for people. She further said this retreat came at an opportune time when both regions were facing unprecedented global crises on multiple fronts.

She, in her remarks, applauded the astute leadership of ASSECCAA for convening the all-important conference.

She added that this special assembly has brought them together in order to collectively address the challenges and opportunities that confront both regions as a result of the evolving multipolar global world order. 

“Our Nations face common challenges such as the youth bulge, high unemployment, and exposure to global economic shocks and severe climate change. However, on the contrary, we have potential answers,” said Dlamini.

She further noted that the retreat has offered both regions the opportunity to harness their enormous wealth of indigenous knowledge towards new forms of modernization to boost trade and human development. 

“We must use this conference to create more opportunities that will accelerate the exchange of ideas and enhance practical cooperation among our societies,” said Dlamini.

She said together both regions can reconfigure a resilient civilization for their peoples, reminiscent of the ancient trade routes that dominated the two continents in past epochs.

However, it was the decisions made at a high level such as at ASSECCA that would define the new trajectory for the regions.

She added that as legislators and custodial leaders they also faced the tremendous challenge of guiding their nations to navigate national development trajectories in the face of global cultural milieus that sometimes threaten their cultural heritage and destiny.

She urged her colleagues and the delegates to remain proudly resolute in holding to their own aspirations in spite of the vicissitudes of global cultural hegemony.

The president inferred that undeniably, ASSECCA was a tangible first step towards a new trajectory in relations between Africa and the Arab world that would enable them to harmoniously usher their people towards prosperity and true self-determination in a new global economic order. 

Meanwhile she said the youth can be harnessed into building blocks for positive economic takeoff.

Dlamini challenged African countries and the Arab World to play a more prominent role Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).

Dlamini said the two regions were well endowed with human and natural resources.

Furthermore, both regions’ relatively large young populations and pristine natural habitats can be harnessed into building blocks for positive economic takeoff in the wake of new forms of industrialization. 

“As a collective, we therefore need to play a more prominent role in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), to harness it for transforming our economies,” she said. She said already in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) they have observed some countries emerging as a force to reckon with in digital technology innovation and resource technology, especially water technology and artificial intelligence.