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EZULWINI– Senate President Lindiwe Dlamini says the ongoing four day 10th retreat of the Association of Senates, SHOORA and Equivalent Councils of Africa and the Arab World (ASSECAA) will boost the growth of the country’s tourism.

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When addressing the over 50 delegates booked in the country, she said they were going to be treated to the Kingdom’s hospitality and serene views.

“We are looking forward to showing off our country and its beauty to our guests for the next four days,” she said.

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When further elaborating on her point she said, they plan to provide their usual hospitality to the guests.

During these meetings, the Government has planned to showcase their culture, business opportunities and tourism industry.

“We will also arrange a tour of the most unique places in the country which will be packaged by the relevant Ministry. We will also engage with the country’s security forces to ensure that His Majesty’s guests enjoy the peace and tranquility of the kingdom in its entirety,” said the Senate President.

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During the official opening, the Arab guests and others were treated to a glimpse of Eswatini culture. The correctional Services displayed traditional dance.

Stalls outside the convention centre were made available where traditional regalia was sold.

One of the delegates, Hussain Albar said he was happy to be in the country and was looking forward to tour the Kingdom.

“I’m here to work but I also want to indulge a bit as spend time in the most sought after places in the country,” he said.