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MBABANE- “Spend your money wisely.”

As the entertainment section re-enters its peak, with shows being hosted every weekend, emaSwati have been cautioned to spend their money wisely.


The advice was given by Economist and Senior Consultant Thembinkosi Dube, during an interview with this Eswatini Positive News (EPN) reporter.

The interview aimed at addressing the spending of the public amid the many events.

With the easing of COVID-19 restrictions in the Kingdom of Eswatini, the entertainment industry has taken this opportunity to rise, shine and get back up from the dust.

The different events taking place each week are a positive sign that entertainment is definitely something that business owners are not backing down on and want to grow, especially after the hard hit the pandemic had with regards to entertainment.

This has not only given businesses in the entertainment industry the opportunity to grow, but has also increased job opportunities for people working under these different entertainment establishments.

Dube revealed that events are good business for the entertainment industry and business sector in the country as was something that happened frequently and brought together a lot of people all at once- which meant that there definitely was money generated from that.

He also went to on to discuss that as much as this may be something that worked well for different businesses that are truly invested in entertainment, it was, however, or may be, detrimental towards the consumers.

The economist explained how attending events every now and again was not sustainable, especially when considering how high the cost of living was at the moment.

“While entertainment is something that is fun for all and can be used to relieve the stresses that come as we live, it is still temporary and events come and go.”

Dube ended on a lighter note where he put much emphasis on spending wisely and budgeting.

“As we are working our way towards the end of the year, the festive season is upon us and people definitely love having fun in December which is why it is also equally as important to spend our money wisely and work on budgeting constantly.

“Excitement may come, but it is also essential to consider the fact that there will still be money needed when the following year begins as children will be returning to school and need all the necessary material in order to be ready for the academic year,” said Dube.