Data prices


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EZULWINI – In a bid to make communication and access to information cheaper for Emaswati in this global economic downturn, MTN Eswatini has announced a reduction in data prices.

The announcement was made today by MTN CEO Wandile Mtshali at Mahlalekhukhwini House. “Customers today enjoy what is known as freedom bundles. Freedom bundles is what enables Emaswati to buy data and that data does not expire due to time. We are saying today that, for the freedom bundles, we are going to give 100% night bonus – this was not there before”, said the CEO explaining one of the new changes in data prices.

“The second one, we are saying to our customers that previously we were having our night bonus starting at 11pm to 5am. We have now improved on that time, because again we’ve heard Emaswati saying that 11pm was too late, some of Emaswati are sleeping at that time, and they are not able to consume those services. So we’ve moved it an hour earlier, so from today it starts from 10pm until 5am,” added Mtshali.

“Number three speaks to the volumes we will give Emaswati today”, continued the CEO. “For the same prize, we are going to give you more value for it.” He made an example that previously, E99 would purchase 1GB worth of data, whereas not the customer will get 1.2GB for E99.

“The last one, which is also very important, we’ve come up with new monthly bundles for our customers. This then speaks to affordability and what our customers want to use the data for.”

“At a high level, we are saying that out of all these changes, we’re giving our customers back an effective rate of 14% reduction in our data prices”, said the CEO during his presentation.

The new prices and monthly data bundles are effective as of today.

For more information on the new prices and packages, you can watch the whole presentation on MTN Eswatini’s official facebook page.