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HLANE– The Buganu Festival is proving to be a unifying factor according to the Ministers of Labour and Social Security Phila Buthelezi and the Minister of Sports, Culture and Youth Affairs Harries Bulunga.

Speaking just before entering the arena at Hlane Royal Residence on Saturday for the second leg of the Buganu Festival, Buthelezi lauded the big numbers saying it went on to show that emaSwati had not lost its identity as a nation.


“The numbers show that emaSwati love their culture and have lost their identity. These cultural activities are growing with each passing year, meaning the upcoming generation will find these events significant,” Buthelezi said.



He thanked Their Majesties for leading the way in preserving such events and that the nation saw the festival’s importance. He lauded the big numbers from the first leg of the festival at Buhleni Royal Residence a fortnight ago.

“The event also brings the spirit of unity among emaSwati as relatives and neighbors. Also, businesses have benefited from the personalised emagcebesha from the different companies which means people are earning an income and many more others to the vendor by the road,” he added.



Minister Bulunga shared the same sentiments adding that the festival is proving to be a tourist attraction. “It is proving to be an important event, most importantly for the nation to be with Their Majesties, especially Lutsango. We are here to support them (Lutsango) and to promote the tourism aspect of it. The festival is a traditional event that has turned into a potential tourist attraction. I have already met people from Mpumalanga, Mozambique and Cape Town. The numbers are really impressive,” Bulunga said.