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BUHLENI– Over a hundred people are said to have been provided with temporary jobs since the anticipation of the Buganu Festival built up last month.

Today is the main day, and a large number of emaSwati located at Buhleni and surrounding areas were seen engaging in businesses.

From the sale of Emahiya, sandals, food, beverages, Buganu to small cabins of Imvunulo rental, nothing is standing in the way of Buhleni folk.

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If the live interviews conducted are anything to go by, members of the public from Buhleni are happy with today’s festival and more than happy to be in close proximity to His Majesty King Mswati III.

Sandile Mathonsi from Mandlangempisi, who had a stall selling food and renting out emahiya said his target is mostly tourists.

He started preparing for this day two weeks ago and spent over E3000 setting up his stall and getting stock.

“ Today is the perfect day to sell imvunulo. What better way to show pride in my culture by allowing other people to experience it,” he said.

Meanwhile, Lindiwe Mabuya, who operated a traditional stall sold mostly beverages and food, she mentioned that her intention is to keep the drinks flowing and allow people to have a good time.

“ Last year, my business did not do so well because there were still COVID-19 restrictions but this year I’m certain people will buy and interact with my stall more,” she said.

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Other stalls spotted were food stalls and accessories stalls. An interesting stall was one manned by Mandla Zubuko who sold women’s toiletries.

He said women tend to forget things when packing so he set up a stall to help them in case they are in need of wipes, sanitary pads, tissue and any other.

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