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HLANE– Buganu has become a popular festival embraced by all women as a time of reflection.

According to some of the women interviewed during the festival, most of them mentioned just how much they appreciate how unifying the festival is for women.

Lutsango from Parliament Phumzile Mamba mentioned that she appreciated the festival because it brought her together with her co-workers.

“We work together but we all hardly get together as women at work to just sit down and get to know one another. New relationships are made here over the three days we spend here camping at the festival,” said Mamba.

Dumsile Zwane said the festival fosters a change in women’s attitude.

“In three days your marital problems can be solved if you are willing to share and have a positive outlook on your situation.

“Older women who are a part of the festival are the pillars of the women and are there to explain challenges they have gone through themselves and offer advice to young women.

“In SiSwati we call this ‘Kushiyelana Ligwayi’ which means giving each other advice,” said Zwane.

Slindile Nyoni revealed it was her first time and was amazed at the unity the women have.

“A friend of mine asked that I join her for the ceremony and I accepted. In all honesty, I was amazed by how unified the women are. We camped and enjoyed our conversations which lasted till morning. Dancing and singing together is therapeutic and one feels energized and rejuvenated after,” said Nyoni.