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LOBAMBA – Madlangemphisi Member of Parliament (MP) Allen Vilane amused his fellow MPs today when he suggested that the Mondays after Buganu should be holidays.

Vilane said this in the House of Assembly during the 2023/24 performance debate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. Vilane said in his view, Buganu had become a big event that needed the country to take care of.

“I suggest that the days of this event should be prolonged or else the Mondays after Buganu should be made public holidays,” Vilane said. The MP mentioned that the holidays would help people prepare for work on the following Tuesday.

Vilane said the event was so big such that it now attracted members of the international community. The people needed some time to prepare for their working days and they could use the Mondays to prepare for such.

The MP also mentioned that in Hlane Royal Residence, the people who attended were many and most of them needed the holiday to prepare, especially because some of them would have not had an opportunity to sleep in one of the country’s accommodation facilities.

Each year, the country hosts Buganu ceremonies in two Royal Residences, being Buhleni Royal Residence (under Hhohho Region) and Hlane Royal Residence (under Lubombo Region). The events are usually held in February and March, respectively.

This event is celebrate by Emaswati with excitement such that it has attracted interest from members of the international community. The event has also been seen as the one that attracts tourists into the country, which gives the country a potential to grow its economy.