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MALKERNS – Deputy Prime Minister Themba Nhlanganiso Masuku believes the MTN Bushfire Festival held annually serves a bigger purpose.

Masuku said the Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini together with the European Union (EU) was proud and humbled to know that MTN Bushfire was actively helping in eliminating Gender Based Violence (GBV).

“The strides taken by MTN as an entity to help curb GBV, and unemployment and further motivate school-going children is outstanding. We are immensely proud and forever indebted to MTN Bushfire,” said Masuku.

In addition, he said as the Government of Eswatini they were fully behind the Festival and could not wait to see it transform the economy this year.

“Our dancing shoes are already dusted and we are ready to dance the weekend away with Bushfire and I can certainly tell the Tourism sector is going to win big time with the numbers,” said the DPM.

His sentiments were echoed by the Minister of Tourism and Environmental Affairs Moses Vilakati who said, what MTN Bushfire does for the industry was innumerable.

He said the event’s magnitude should not be underestimated at all as it was doing great things for the country.

“I keep saying this is big, this is huge what MTN does for the country. We are as the Tourism sector looking forward to visitors from all over the world,” he said.

Meanwhile, Lobamba Lomdzala Member of Parliament (MP) Marwick Makhumalo said this year’s MTN Bushfire is going to be a beautiful one.

He has also urged the Nation to portray kindness and respect to the coming tourists for the MTN Bushfire.

“To my fellow countrymen, let us portray the country in a well-mannered way, we are going to be broadcast and seen by international countries. Let us use this opportunity to show them we are a peaceful and cultured country,” he said.

The outspoken MP also shared how happy he was about the job and business prospects that MTN Bushfire brings to the Lobamba community.

Guests and members of the public who attended the launch expressed their happiness about the activation of the Bushfire and how they were looking forward to the main day.

They further highlighted how much happy they were with this year’s line up which consists of Velemseni, Stogie T and Thobile Makhoyane among the many talented acts.