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……. Bushfire weekend…

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MBABANE – While the country’s border posts will operate within their regular hours, the Ministry of Home Affairs is going the extra mile to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for MTN Bushfire attendees this weekend.

The Ministry will introduce mobile trucks and extra staff to be deployed at busy borders posts with the main being Ngwenya Border Post to ease the flow of traffic and minimise congestion for the three festival attendees.

The Ministry announced that there has been no extension of hours of operation at borders, but with the new innovations, people will have ease coming and leaving the country through the border posts.
Ministry of Home Affairs Communications Officer Mlandvo Dlamini explained that the preparations for the festival at the border posts were underway and going smoothly.

“Since the weekend promises to be a very busy one, we are putting in place mobile trucks to check for entry and exit stamps to minimise traffic as much as possible. All borders will operate as usual within their normal hours,” he said.

With each passing day, the excitement and anticipation for the MTN Bushfire Festival grow. Smiles and chatter fill the air as people count down the days until the weekend, eagerly waiting for the unforgettable experience that awaits them.

The annual MTN Bushfire Festival starts on Friday with the last day on Sunday at House on Fire, Malkerns.