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MBABANE– His Majesty King Mswati III has urged the Nation to be steadfast in prayer.

“Prayer is a basic need of everyone, and I am thankful for the Nazareth church’s commitment to supporting our people through prayer,” said King Mswati III.

His Majesty was addressing the Church of Nazareth yesterday at Ludzidzini Royal Residence and expressed his gratitude for the promise of prayer by the church’s leader.

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The King also reminisced about the time of his father, King Sobhuza II, who periodically welcomed the Nazareth church to the Kingdom annually.

“Your presence here today reminds me of the time of Sobhuza, who valued the spiritual contributions of the Nazareth church,” said His Majesty.

During his address, King Mswati III also announced his promise to provide a place for Shembe to build his home.

“I am pleased to announce that we will provide a place for Shembe to build his home when he returns next year,” said the King.

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The service was attended by members of the Nazareth church and other religious leaders in Eswatini.

It was a momentous occasion for all who were present, as it demonstrated the King’s commitment to promoting spiritual values and religious harmony in the Kingdom.

In conclusion, the King’s address to the Church of the Nazareth at Ludzidzini Royal Residence was a significant event that highlighted the importance of prayer and religious harmony in Eswatini.

His Majesty King Mswati III has then bid a fond farewell to the Nazareth Baptist Church in an event held at the Ludzidzini Royal Residence.

The king expressed his gratitude to the church for visiting the Kingdom of eSwatini and wished that they could stay longer.

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He drew a parallel to the biblical story of a man of God who asked God to stop the sun from moving until he had defeated his enemies. Similarly, the king expressed his desire to hold the sun so that the church could continue with their cultural celebration, known as the umgido. The umgido was indeed a colourful and vibrant event with traditional African dance performances.

During his address, His Majesty King Mswati III also thanked the Nazareth church for their worship of God in a culturally African style. The church members danced the umgido, a traditional dance performed by the Shembe Church, before the king’s address.

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The Shembe Church, also known as the Nazareth Baptist Church, is a South African church that originated in the early 20th century. It is a blend of Christianity and traditional African beliefs and practices. The church has a significant following in Eswatini.

The king’s farewell to the Shembe Church and his appreciation of their cultural practices is a testament to the country’s rich cultural diversity and tolerance. Eswatini has a long history of peaceful coexistence between different ethnic and religious groups, and the king’s remarks reflect this spirit of inclusivity and respect for diversity.

Photo Cred: Ministry of Home Affairs