MBABANE – The Chief Executive Officer Gideon Mhlongo led a team of Council senior managers on a tour of the entity’s corporate social responsibility projects in Mbabane.
Responding to a situation of abject poverty and destitution that had been brought to the entity’s attention, Council sought to build a house for the family of Gogo Hleziphi Nkambule at Mncitsini in Mbabane.
The house is currently at 80 percent completion and Council hopes that the house will be ready for occupation in the next few weeks.
The construction of the house has been made possible by proceeds of the annual Mayor’s Golf Cup that is hosted by the Council on an annual basis.
MBABANE – Mbabane residents are notified that Council experiencing a backlog in waste collection due to breakdown of skip master trucks.
The backlog will affect the following areas that were affected from yesterday to Tuesday and may eventually affect the schedule for the rest of the week:
Selection Park, PTS, Pholinjane, Extension 3, SOS, Sdwashini South( Cobonga, Prison, Indusrtial sites, Makholokholo, Hioghlands View, dialriach West, Checkers- (Old and New) Hospital Hill, West Ridge Park.
Mbabane Township( West- Mbhilibi), Queens Gate, Sandla< Sdwashini North, Dark City, Mbangweni, Woodlands1,2, Golf Course Township, Malunge, Dialriach East, Pine Valley, Thembelihle, River View, and Nedview.