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MBABANE – Eswatini National Council of Arts and Culture (ENCAC) CEO Stanley Dlamini has applauded the government for the budget allocation that was given to the Council of Arts and Culture yesterday.

This year’s allocation for the Council of Arts and Culture was E10 814 692, while last year it was E8 682 735. This saw an increase in the allocation by E2 131 957.

The Minister of Finance, Neal Rijkenberg, yesterday presented a National Budget worth E29.42 billion for the 2024/25 financial year. The theme of this year’s budget is ‘Nkwe for growth!’ To hit the ground running.

It is worth mentioning that arts and culture fall under the Ministry of Sports, which got E58 626 217 allocations for the other seven portfolios that fall under the ministry. Last year, the ministry and its seven disciples got E53 424 749.

In an exclusive interview with Arts and Culture CEO, he said, “Firstly, we would like to commend the government as the King gave directives to the country, and we must do exactly what he said. In some countries, the arts sector all over the world, especially in developing countries, it is less funded, and it takes years to convince the government of the day to focus on the art industry.”

He went on to add, “In other countries, art is an economic stimulus that promotes youth empowerment in terms of job creation for the youth. So this budget is a statement that our government recognises the role of art in our society.”

Dlamini also spoke on the cultural aspect, which is also a way of living. He said culture helps us with our identity, which we preserve as citizens for our moral values and development. According to the CEO, the budget allocation this year is a statement from the government that art can bring change to society.

What will the government do with budget allocation?

Dlamini shared with this publication that the allocation will go towards the regional cultural art centres. “Every region now has an arts and culture centre. One of the challenges we had in the country before was that we didn’t have a voice in the regions, but now we do. What’s missing is for us to provide music equipment in the centres. It is also for artists to get rehearsal space and to practice.”

Dlamini highlighted that they have noted that all major festivals take place along the Manzini and Mbabane corridors, and they are working to change that soon. “We also noted that some regions are not active in terms of cultural activities, save for Manzini and Hhohho. So we are now working on bringing it to other regions.”

According to the CEO, they will also focus on talent identification at the arts centres, and then expose it to the public. Dlamini added,” Every region must have a festival identity, as previously all festivals took place in the Mbabane and Manzini corridors. Every region must have its own festival. We are planning to have a Mahamba Gorge festival in Nhlangano. This is to bridge the gap so that if artists don’t get a chance to perform at the festivities far from them, they can perform at their own regional festival.”

He mentioned the arts and culture are on the drive to revive the Simunye Fun Fair festival and working on all regions to have their own festivals.

Dlamini shared with this publication that Art and Culture is overwhelmed with applications to host events that were launched but need something from their office.

He also revealed that the public now hires out traditional gear for cultural events. “As we go to Bugani Festival at Hlane Royal Residence next week, some will rent their traditional gear, which in turns generates revenue for arts sector. We have people who have positioned themselves to rent out these services. We get calls asking for contacts for people who can rent out some of these services.”

Dlamini also revealed that there are now cultural teams who are prepared to help people who are having cultural events practice traditional dance, which also brings revenue to the arts industry.

The CEO concluded that the art sector plays a huge role in terms of providing employment for the youth, which is why he commends the government for the positive statement it made with the budget allocation yesterday.