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MANZINI – Prime Minister Cleopas Sipho Dlamini says participating in the national elections is an opportunity for emaSwati to vote for their ideal government and preferred system of governance.

Dlamini said this when addressing media houses present at Mavuso Exhibition Trade Center earlier today.

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This was after the premier cast his vote at the ongoing special voting exercise at Mavuso under Madlangempisi Inkhundla in the Hhohho Region.

“What the voting exercise means is that people should vote for the candidates that they want because, two years ago, this is what people were calling for to vote for who they want and the government they want. This is an opportunity for emaSwati to speak for themselves through their votes,” he said.

There are currently over 300 people who are exercising their right to vote at Manzini. A number of EmaSwati braced the scorching weather to cast their special vote.

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The PM said It was clear what emaSwati wanted as one can see with the magnitude of people that are here, even though today is only a special voting exercise.

“This is a clear indication that emaSwati are happy to vote for their ideal government and for their preferred system of Governance,”he said.

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Further encouraging the Nation to vote well and vote in numbers was Minister of Labour and Social Security Phila Buthelezi.

He was also among emaSwati participating in EBC special voting at the Exhibition centre.

“I’m happy to see people came out in numbers to vote, imagine what Saturday would be like if we are seeing such numbers today. EmaSwati has come out to create the government of their choice, as they should,” he said.

Worth mentioning is that since the morning started and now the lunch hour present voters have been adhering to all regulations and nothing out of the ordinary has been witnessed.

(Pics sourced from Eswatini Government)