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MBABANE – The time has come for civil servants who are into politics to be eradicated from the civil service.

This was said by Civil Service Commission (CSC) Chairman Simanga Mamba, who said this today after the commissioners of the CSC were sworn in. The swearing-in ceremony took place today (Monday, May 27, 2024) at the CSC boardroom in Mbabane.

Speaking on this matter, Mamba said in other countries, civil servants were not encouraged to be politically affiliated. This was because the civil service was supposed to be neutral so that it could render services to the people.

Mamba said it was true that different political opinions of people had to be respected, but it was equally important to ensure that civil servants were politically neutral. The CSC chairman said what was also worrying was that some of the civil servants were not only critical, but they also went to an extent of insulting important people such as the Head of State, something that could not be tolerated.

He said they had to work together with the Teaching Service Commission (TSC) to ensure that such an attitude was eradicated from the CSC. The chairman was responding to a concern that was raised by Minister of Public Service Mabulala Maseko, who said it was concerning that some civil servants were into politics, yet civil servants were supposed to render services to the public, without any bias.

Minister Maseko said this as he was detailing on what he expected from the commissioners who had been sworn in. Maseko also stated that there were civil servants who were sitting at home, doing nothing, yet they got paid every month. He called upon the commissioners to work on this matter, because Government lost its money through such civil servants.

Swaziland Democratic Nurses Union (SWADNU) Mayibongwe Masangane said what they did not understand was that the Constitution allowed everyone to associate in the country. They wanted to know if the Constitution was the one that barred civil servants from participating in politics. Masangane further said civil servants have participated in the 2023 general elections. He did not understand why they were allowed to do so when they were expected to be politically neutral.

SNAT Secretary General Lot Vilakati said they would not comment much on the matter, as nothing was directly said, regarding teachers. However, he said what would tempt them to comment was that as teachers, they were civil servants too.

Vilakati wished for Mamba to define the politics he was talking about because every civil servant was into politics. He said another thing was that people who occupied management positions should not forget that they were workers too. Therefore, they should not frustrate what was wanted by the workers.

The CSC will be headed by its Chairman Simanga Mamba. Other commissioners include Her Royal Highness (HRH) Princess Sibahle, Prince Mfanawemakhosi Jomo Dlamini, Chief Velamuva Maseko, and Reverend Nhlanhla Hlatshwayo. They are part of the appointees who were appointed by His Majesty King Mswati III to various emabandla, including the CSC. The CSC commissioners were assisted with their swearing-in by Deputy Attorney General (DAG) Zandile Dlamini.