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… Despite network disturbances


MBABANE – Civil servants’ salaries are on schedule!

Despite network issues which the Government of Eswatini endured, the Ministry of Finance has come out to say that salaries will be rolled out at the usual schedule.

Worth noting is that after about a week of network inconsistencies, government came out to say the network has been fully restored on Monday evening. The Government of Eswatini made this announcement through its online platforms.

“The nation is notified that all online government services are now available. The inconvenience caused is deeply regretted,” government said.

In an interview with this reporter, the Ministry of Finance Communications Officer, Setsabile Dlamini, said salaries of civil servants would be rolled out on time despite the network disturbances which they were facing.

Justifying this, Dlamini said the due date for submitting payroll is on the 15th of every month, and they reached their target because the network was restored the day before.

“We were able to work tirelessly when the network came back on Monday evening  November 14, 2022) and we were able to beat the 15th deadline, which was this past Tuesday.

“The ministry is expecting that salaries will be paid out on the same schedule as we fell within the deadline,” said Dlamini.

She said generally, government salaries start being rolled out from the 20th until the 30th of every month and it would be the case this month.

“However, if we had not beaten the 15th deadline and we were done with payroll on a later date, the case would have been different,” said the communications officer.

A group of civil servants, who work for the different departments of government, said they were relieved that they would be paid on time.

The said this in an independent interview with the Eswatini Positive News (EPN) News Desk, however, choosing to stay anonymous.

“Despite the network being down, the recent event events in the country made us doubts we would be paid in time. These are great news for us,” they said.

They went on to say they appreciated the Ministry of Finance officers who sacrificed their time in ensuring that they met the payroll deadline, despite the lack of transport on Tuesday and Wednesday.