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MANZINI– This Saturday is Zithande Athletics Club Coach’s Birthday 40km Run.

The now annual run will also feature the shorter 20km as Nsizwa Thwala is known to be into the development of road running. During the COVID-19 period in the past two years, Thwala has been doing solo runs on his birthday.

Last year he incredibly did the 85km run from Manzini to Big Bend where he was born and in the previous year, he conquered the nearly impossible 74km from Manzini to Hlathikhulu on the Yith’abantu Highway, his parental home.

“Now that we are back to normal life, I will be celebrating my birthday run with other competitive athletes and social runners,” Thwala said.

He was born March 24 and the run will be on Saturday March 25, starting from Zakhele inside Manzini and end there. The route will start in Zakhele – Ngwane Park – Nhlambeni – Sidvokodvo – Gundvwini – Lwande – Sidzakeni – Ngwane Park – Zakhele.

“The shorter route starts at Sidvokodvo Club which is halfway of the main route. It follows main route to finish at Zakhele Sports Ground. This is a unity run and the theme is ‘Run As One’,” he added.

Thwala added that Zithande promotes running together to develop and promote a healthy lifestyle. It is not a race but a Unity Run.”

The 40km run will start at 5.30 am while the 20km will commence at 6 am.

“Runners must assemble at Zakhele Sports Ground by 5 am and every fitness and road running lovers are invited.”

Water points will be available along the route at E50.


He has been in the forefront in the development of road running in the country. He is also in the forefront in development of women in the sports and is regarded as a true friend of road running as he attend and assist in local races organised by clubs. Thwala is the founder of Zithande Athletics Club and Operation Mkhaba Phuma Kimi Bootcamp organiser and trainer.