Minister of Public Service Eswatini Mabulala Maseko


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MMinister of Public Service Mabulala Maseko says Government has budgeted for a Cost of Living Adjustment (CoLA) and Salary Review for civil servants this financial year. He has been speaking during a press conference this afternoon.

“Government has felt it important to provide a budget to cater for a Cost of Living Adjustment for the financial year beginning 1 April, 2022 to cushion civil servants against the ever-spiralling inflation,” said the Minister.

Minister Maseko added that Government has also provided a budget for the engagement of a consultant who will carry out the salary review for civil servants. He said this exercise is expected to start this month and its report is expected to be out before the end of this financial year.

“We request civil servants to be patient and allow all these processes to go through for the good of all parties and also to ensure continued service delivery to the Nation,” concluded Minister Maseko.