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MBABANE – The Manzini Municipal Council in Collaboration with the Royal Eswatini Police Service, Public Transport Operators, Marshals and Eswatini Parking have agreed on strategies to reduce road traffic during the holidays.

This was shared by Mathokoza Tfwala who was speaking on behalf of the Manzini Municipal Council.

Tfwala said they have agreed on an operation that is scheduled to start on the 20th of December 2023 and end on the 4th of January 2024.

“Firstly we would like to urge motorists to use all the entry and exit points available in the city because they end up clustering the one around Zakhele which then causes the traffic. We would also like to ask those who are going to other places passing through the city to use alternative roads other than going inside the town, for example when going to Lomahasha use the Mavuso bypass to avoid causing traffic in the city,” said Tfwala.

He further mentioned that drivers should not be surprised when they see traffic police officers at the intercession where there are traffic lights and they perfectly working.

“During the festive season, the traffic police officers will be there to direct cars and pedestrians because some do not follow the signals of traffic lights thus causing accidents, so I would like to urge everyone to respect the traffic police and follow their orders,” he said.

He later said that the traffic police officers will also be working with marshals at the Manzini bus rank to monitor the entry and exit of public transport during the holidays, and he said they are not allowed to make stops inside the city other than the bus rank to avoid traffic.