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VUVULANE – The construction of the JEREMPAUL Lifestyle Centre has officially begun.

The Eco Built Centre is in Vuvulane and it is a project by Khulekani Msweli, who managed to raise over E100 000 two months ago from donors in 24 hours after the opening night of the exhibition held at Yini Loku showcasing the project.


It is worth mentioning that the eco -built structure needs about E751 812.40 ($40 000). The crowd funding project ran until May 3. So far about E160 700.18 ($8 569) has been raised. To contribute you can follow this link


Msweli shared with this publication that exhibition was to give the public a window into what they were trying to do. He said, “As mentioned that work will start in June, it has. I am short of words to describe the feeling. The TLB has been working endlessly removing tons of concrete rubble from the landfill site to the building site. We will be using the rubble to build the new space.”


He went on to add, “It would not be a day without a bit of drama. One of the sand delivery trucks got stuck and we had to find a way to pull it out.” As a result of the construction, according to Msweli next week, they will be closing the Vuvulane Food Market, until further notice, while the construction is in progress.

He concluded by saying, “Thank you to everyone that contributed to our crowd funding. It is through your efforts that we are able to do what we are doing…transforming Vuvulane for the greater good.”