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MBABANE – The decision to ban plastic bags in the country was not just taken overnight.

Prime Minister Russell Mmiso Dlamini told the country’s editors that consultations were done for more than two years before a decision to ban plastic bags was taken. The premier also assured the concerned people that means to preserve jobs that could be lost because of that would be made.

Dlamini said this was done to protect the environment and livestock in the country. “This process has taken more than two years of consultation and preparations. Eswatini joins other countries in Africa and the world that have banned plastic bags. Government will continue to work with the private sector to ensure that jobs are created to replace lost livelihoods,” Dlamini said.

Concerning corruption, the premier stated that enough had been said about fighting corruption. “The formed tasked team has concluded many cases which are now with the DPP for processing. The capacity of the Office of the DPP was strengthened with additional prosecutors and personnel to expedite the wheels of justice,” he said.