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By Phumzile Ndlovu

SITEKI – Winners of the Eswatini National Council of Arts and Culture and KaLanga Chiefdom Schools Culture Day each took home a cow.

This was a kind gesture from KaLanga’s Chief  Jozane in appreciation of those who excelled. The competition was held  at the Royal Kraal of KaLanga Chiefdom. The pupils from different schools participated in different categories which included choral, sibhaca, ummiso and African dance.

The culture day competition results are follows;

Choral Primary school

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1. Siteki Nazarene Primary

2. Lonhlupheko Primary

3. Kalanga Nazarene Primary

4. Sitsatsaweni Primary

5. Nyambo Primary

6. Mhlumeni Nazarene Primary

High Schools

1. Lubombo Central High

2. Siteki Nazarene High

African Dance

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Primary Schools

1. St Boniface Primary

2. Assembly of God

3. Global Revival Primary

4. School for the Deaf

5. Lubombo Central Primary

6. Siteki Nazarene Primary

7. Good Shepherd Primary

High Schools

1. KaLanga High school

2. Matsetsa Nazarene High

3. Lubombo central High

4. School for the deaf

5. Good Shepherd High


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Primary Schools

1. Global Revival Primary

2. St Paul’s catholic

3. St Boniface Primary

4. Sitsatsaweni Primary

5. Lubombo central Primary

6. Mlindazwe 1 Primary

7. Lonhlupheko Primary School

8. Nyambo Primary

9. Khalakahle Methodist Primary

10. Good Shepherd Primary

High Schools

1. KaLanga High school

2. Sitsatsaweni High school

3. Good Shepherd High


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Primary School

1. Global Revival Primary

2. Lubombo central Primary

3. Sitsatsaweni Primary School

4. Khalakahle Methodist

5. Good Shepherd Catholic

High schools

1. Sitsatsaweni High school

2. Good Shepherd High

3. KaLanga High school

4. Lubombo central High

5. Mhlumeni High school