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MBABANE – The Eswatini flair will be soon be hovering Maseru!

Three artists from Eswatini will be sharing their talent with fellow Africans at the All white Music and Fashion Festival.

The event is slated for December 10, 2022 in Maseru, Lesotho.

Eswatini’s trio who will perform at the festival are pop singer Mandisa Mamba, vocalist Mvelo Tsabedze and DJ and much producer Welcome ‘Cup’ Maseko.

The All White Music and Fashion Festival inaugural event was in 2021 in Maseru where local designers showcased their designs coupled with star musical performances.

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In an interview with this reporter Cup said he was excited to be sharing the stage with other African artists.

“The All White Party is one of the biggest festivals in Lesotho and it is all about art and cultural exchange and. This festival unites African countries to celebrate together the greatest African artists to ever live,” said Maseko.

Maseko further mentioned that the bookings stemmed from past events where they were spotted during music and performing events.

“We are excited about the upcoming performance and are working tirelessly to bring our A-game on the day by doing what we always do to get ready for shows which is to rehearse, rehearse and rehearse,” said Maseko.

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Mvelo Tsabedze said that she was really excited about the performance and she clenched the deal by releasing house music songs and that she would be performing house music on the day.

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Mandisa Mamba said she was informed by her management at New Life Entertainment about the gig and was getting ready for the performance and doing a lot of rehearsals.

“I am ready and will be performing my music but I will choose songs in line with the festival,” said Mamba.