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…planning for a regional inform risk


MBABANE– The National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA), hosted a three-day workshop to develop an INFORM Risk sub-national Model for Eswatini and to develop a roadmap for developing the SADC INFORM Risk model.

This was with the aim to strengthen risk informed development. The hosting of the workshop was supported by the Global Initiative on Disaster Risk Management and the UNDP Resilience Hub for Africa and the local UNDP Office.

The INFORM Subnational model will initially focus on Eswatini and later expand to cover the entire SADC region. This model serves as a risk assessment tool that provides detailed analysis at the regional, Inkhundla, and chiefdom levels within the country.

The INFORM Risk Model is a collaborative effort between the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Task Team for Preparedness and Resilience and the European Commission.

It combines around 50 indicators to measure hazard exposure, vulnerability, and coping capacity in each level, enabling analysis of how these indicators have changed over time.

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The results are presented as user-friendly risk profiles that can be by disaster risk management and humanitarian and development organisations. The workshop was attended by NDMA stakeholders that include, Finance, Economic Development, Agriculture, Water Resources and municipal councils. Also in attendance were participants from the SADC DRR Unit in Botswana, The SADC SHOC, and participants from SADC member states, disaster management units.

The INFORM Subnational Risk Model aims to promote shared risk analysis across various development sectors and ensure that strategies and programs are aligned to effectively address location-specific risks.

This model offers several benefits, including country-specific risk profiling by selecting indicators that consider local conditions, flexibility in indicator selection based on available local data, higher resolution risk mapping and profiles at the district, province or local level, and an update schedule tailored to national planning needs and decision-making timeframes.

The model provides a comprehensive understanding of risk and its dimensions, such as hazard and exposure, vulnerability, and coping capacity, which can be compared across different regions.

The INFORM Subnational risk results are openly accessible and particularly valuable in supporting decision-making processes involving multiple actors and sectors. SADC member states are actively working towards improving data and risk modeling systems to foster development, peace, security, economic growth, poverty alleviation, and sustainable development.

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During the workshop, Melusi Masuku, the Principal Secretary in the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office, emphasised the importance of the INFORM Risk Model in enhancing the disaster management institutions and communities
understanding of risk in the region.

Masuku highlighted the need for comprehensive and collaborative efforts to build resilience that transcends sectors, risks, and stakeholders, as demonstrated by the INFORM Risk Model.

“This sebreves as a tool for strategic and programmatic decision-making related to crisis and disaster prevention, preparedness, and response,” he said.

He further emphasised the model’s aim to promote shared risk analysis across development sectors and align strategies and programs with specific risk types and locations.

This project will enhance Eswatini’s NDMA’s and partners’ capacity to develop, update, and utilise risk maps and lead the development of a roadmap for the entire SADC region.