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… Reveals that government has also employed 2 071 different professionals


MBABANE – The Government of Eswatini is all for the dialogue.

This was confirmed today during a press conference at Cabinet where the Deputy Prime Minister, Themba Masuku, said the dialogue was the lifeline and foundation of the society.

He said while trying to plead with the nation to calm down, amid the destruction of property, which was impacting the economy negatively.

In his statement, Masuku said the Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini continued to note with grave concern the intentional targeting of businesses at all sector levels by certain individuals and organisations who (through terrorism) planned to cause chaos and destruction in the country and destroy employment, the tax base and the livelihoods of emaSwati.

“The escalation of the current tensions has negative implications in the economic, social, and political spheres. Politically, these tensions have caused undesirable delays in the dialogue which should be for all people who live in this country. We all desire the dialogue. Dialogue is the lifeline and foundation of our society as a Nation.

“We also want to ask emaSwati to be calm and understand that with hurt from the past and present, it will be very difficult again to deal with the challenges we are facing. We need to stop the violence and reflect, so that we can prepare for any dialogue the way we all should. Violence is not a solution, neither is it the way forward to our challenges because it will cause more and more pain and the possibility of revenge,” detailed Masuku.


He went on to say he wanted to reiterate government’s commitment to the national dialogue as the Head of State had pointed out at Sibaya last year, and during the opening of Parliament this year, saying this commitment was also reflected in the budget that was approved by Parliament earlier in the year.

“As far as things stand, this commitment has not changed. The dialogue is important to consolidate all the thoughts of emaSwati from every constituency or Inkhundla to chart an all-inclusive way forward. Even with our dissenting views, we must find each other again as a unified Nation and stopping violence as well as becoming calm is the only means this can be achieved. Remember, we are a constitutional monarchical democracy and are fully committed to working according to the dictates of the people’s constitution.

“In the economic space, the people behind the arson attacks are destroying the economy at a time when there is a great need to create employment. The Government is on a job creation drive. When there is unrest, arson and disorder, jobs are lost and at the same time, not created. This is hurting to those who are directly or indirectly affected including the economy. EmaSwati have been yearning for jobs and Government has responded and has continued to create the correct environment for business to expand.” 

Listing some projects, Masuku said in the textile industry, for example, there were about three factory shells that were under construction in the rural areas which would soon employ some 9 000 workers, stating that furthermore, government has recently employed 13 employees at the DPM’s Office, 1 310 temporary teachers, 239 permanent teachers, 35 head teachers, 487 health workers across all disciplines as well as a number in the security forces.

“This is all against the backdrop of arsonists destroying factories, small vendors and businesses that provide employment and livelihoods. The Government has further facilitated the possibility of securing the granting of work permits or visas to countries elsewhere in the world including the USA for emaSwati to find jobs when available in those countries.

“The response has already been received from the USA where emaSwati can now apply for visas of the H-2A and H-2B type.  These arson attacks on businesses are therefore a stark contradiction to the genuine needs of emaSwati in relation to job creation. One job lost is one too many,” he said.

The DPM said he reminded those who perpetrated and sponsored acts of terrorism through social media to know that they had laws that they had invoked to protect the nation, saying these would include the Computer Crime and Cybercrime Act of 2022 which is an Act to criminalise offences through the usage of computer systems and electronic communication networks.

“The people who bully others, commit cyber terrorism, propagate hate speech, perpetrate and spread lies, incite others to kill for money and intimidate others should be aware that this Act is alive and has extra territorial jurisdiction, and therefore when caught, they will face justice anywhere. 

“Further, we want to advise those who perpetrate criminal acts, by transmitting various materials in the form of videos, audios or text messages that they must be aware that such acts are punishable by this Law.”

He also said the Act also talked to extradition of those who commit such crimes in the comfort of another State.

“We further note that these terrorist acts are sponsored both internally and externally through dubious cash transactions. We want to remind the nation that money laundering and financing of terrorism is a serious crime, with serious consequences. In light of the above, we will continue to enforce the Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism Prevention Act 2016.

“In this regard, we urge emaSwati to avoid participating in these crimes with anyone to protect themselves, their families and all who reside in this great Kingdom,” said Masuku.

The DPM also said the violent situation had created a lot of fear and uncertainty, saying no doubt, the on-going killing of innocent citizens, including security personnel and arson attacks on public and private property had compromised security as they used to know it.

“We cannot, as a country, afford to live under a situation of threats, intimidation, and lawlessness. Let us together uphold law and order, because this is the fundamental tenet of democracy and socio-economic development.

“We owe it to ourselves, our children, and future generations to make this country a safe space for everyone. And we can only win if we unite and stand as one against the perpetrators of violence and terrorism in the country.

“Further, it has come to Government’s attention that there are unscrupulous people moving door to door who claim to be conducting a survey on how many emaSwati prefer the Tinkhundla system of governance visa-a-vies other political systems. I wish to state in no uncertain terms that government only recognises surveys conducted by legitimate organisations and institutions, who are also credible researchers.”

The DPM said therefore, government urged emaSwati to be on the lookout for these unknown researchers and exercise their right to refuse to participate in this survey.

“This dubious survey could be dangerous in that the people who are conducting it could be mapping out their arson attack. May I point out that everybody likes feedback, whether good, bad or in between. In this case, I would like to once again say thank you to all emaSwati who reacted positively when we called upon them to invoke the national adage that says “nawe uliphoyisa”you are your brother’s keeper.”