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MBABANE– The Deputy Prime Minister Themba Nhlanganiso Masuku today celebrated Eswatini women in technology. 

This comes at a time where the world is commemorating International Women Day celebrated across the world every March 8.

Masuku had the great honour and a privilege to join the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office in New York in celebrating women in Technology. 

During his remarks, he mentioned that digital technologies have created new spaces for interaction and enabled new ways to connect, share experiences, work and build communities Eswatini. 

The DPM said these technologies continue to be influential and have the potential of enhancing growth and expanding opportunities for the realisation of women’s rights in Eswatini and globally. 

“Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) contribute to achieving gender equality, women’s rights and digital rights for women and girls.

“The Kingdom of Eswatini in this sector, driven by the leadership’s political commitment in the promotion of women in His Majesty’s government, continues to support women and girls in ICT, through gender sensitive legislations and policy frameworks, providing scholarships for young women and girls in ICT,” he said. 

 In addition to that, he mentioned that a number of innovative women and girls had therefore emerged in collaboration with the private sector and partners including the country’s dear friends- the nation of the Republic of Taiwan. 

 This was said to be done by adopting e-commerce platforms to bring women entrepreneurs and retailers new business opportunities enabling them to enter traditionally male-dominated sectors and to allow them flexibility to balance care responsibilities and paid work. 

“In addition, His Majesty’s Government has appointed women in leadership positions within the technological sector. 

“Our appreciation is extended to the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office for inviting us to this event. This is further testimony of the brotherhood that the Kingdom of Eswatini enjoys with Taiwan,” said the DPM