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MBABANE – Despite the harsh conditions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office (DPM) in the year 2022 has changed the lives of over 600 orphans.

This information was courtesy of DPMO’s Communication Officer Mihla Khumalo. During an interview with this publication he revealed that in their records, they had over 600 orphans they have been taking care of since COVID-19 hit.

“We saw an increase in the number of children who lost their guardians and sole relatives due to COVID-19. In as much we did not have lots death a number of children were left orphaned due to the death of their relatives,”

Khumalo further said the number of the orphans also included existing orphans that had accumulated from the year 2021 until 2022. The children were being assisted by the DPMO in various ways he said.

“We have given the assistance in the form of food parcels, money, clothes and any other form of help. This was done in weekly and monthly disbursements activities,” he said.

Worth noting is that the DPMO is responsible for a number of children welfare projects all over the country where they take care of them. This is done in the form of school donations, monetary donations from corporates and international organisations.

The DPMO works hand-in-hand with international sponsors to ensure that the flow of food parcels to the less privileged is maintained and does not run out.

With Christmas around the corner, the office around this time of the year embarks on a donation spree to recognized soup kitchens and care homes which usually cater for over 200 children each.