… Says BoGogo need more intervention/assistance
… Elderly to get monthly grants
… Test for HIV/AIDS- DPM
… Elderly given cash, gifts
MBABANE- Passionate, educational and humane!
This best describes Deputy Prime Minister Themba Masuku’s deliberation yesterday during the International Day of the Elderly at Nkwene Inkhundla.
Masuku extensively and intensely discussed on the importance of boGogo (elderly women), stating that they need all the cushioning and attention they could get as they carried a lot on their shoulder, neglecting themselves.
“It is an undeniable fact that there are many women than men hence there are many boGogo and their population is actually increasing. Actually, the entire population is increasing, meaning the office should increase its budgets for programmes that we already have,” said Masuku.
He went on to say most people would have a story regarding their mothers or grandmothers of moulding them to people that they were today.
“This simply means that we should respond instantly to issues regarding boGogo and we should create intervention/assistance programmes which attend to them.

“BoGogo could not save for the future because they spent most of their income spending on upbringing of children or looking after the home,” said the DPM.
Masuku went on to warn the public against the abusing the elderly and accusing them of witchcraft.
“The elderly often have conditions like dementia which make them seem bewildered. It is such conditions which make people accuse them of witchcraft,” explained Masuku.
He said it was boGogo who were the backbone of the future hence it was fundamental the community looked after them.

Elderly Grants to Be Issued Monthly!
MBABANE- Good news for the elderly!
The Deputy Prime Minister, Themba Masuku, revealed that his office was working on issuing monthly grants to monthly instead of quarterly (once in three months).
In Eswatini, the elderly receive E1 500 grant every three months. This money is issued through their banks or MoMo.
Masuku explained that the issuing of elderly grants in the country started in 2004, highlighting that it was still work in progress.
“I do not recall how much the elderly received at first but all I could remember was that they received cash from the police every three months. We tried to create a better system encouraging them to use banks but we had challenges. Currently, most of them receive their money through MoMo and we are seeing an improvement in the system.
“Now, our main goal is to have your grants distributed monthly, instead of every three months,” said the DPM.
He encouraged the elderly to contact social workers in their constituencies if they faced challenges with regards to their grants.
“Elders should also test for HIV/AIDS”- DPM
MBABANE- “Elders are still in danger of contracting HIV/AIDS.”
This was said by the country’s DPM, Themba Masuku yesterday at the celebrations of International Dal of the Elderly at Nkwene Inkhundla.
He said this while stating that the elderly in the country had the privilege of free access to medical care, among other privileges in the country.
“You should not only test for diabetes and high blood pressure. Also test for HIV/AIDS. I know this may come as a shock but the elderly do and can contract HIV/AIDS while caring for an infected person without any knowledge they have the virus,” explained Masuku.

OVCs, Abandoned Children shooting up!
MBABANE- Worrisome!
Deputy Prime Minister Themba Masuku said the increasing numbers of Orphaned and Vulnerable Children (OVC) and abandoned children was drastically increasing in the country.
Explaining how this happened, he said parents of the children gave birth to them and went to dump them with the elderly at home and continued with procreation.
“It has dawned to us that the youth, especially those that work in firms, do not use any family planning methods. The moment they give birth they dump their babies with the elderly and become pregnant again.
“This is becoming a headache to the elderly and government as they are the ones stuck with the repercussions of the youth,” said Masuku.
Businessman Walter Bennett donates E1 000 to elderly
MBABANE- Gifts galore!
The celebrations of the International Day of the Elderly at Nkwene Inkhundla saw the elderly being spoilt to first.
First, according to Deputy Prime Minister Themba Masuku, popular businessman and former Senator Walter Bennett donated E100 to elderly above 70 years old. This means that he donated E1 000 in total.
“Also, my office is donating 300 ‘phatsa sakho’ bags which you will use when going shopping. These bags will assist reduce the use of plastics. Plastics are not environmental friendly,” said the DPM.
The above mentioned bags are reusable bags used for grocery shopping.