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…To assist neighborhood Care Points


MATSAPHA – The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) has pledged to continue assisting Eswatini.

This was reaffirmed by the Taiwan Ambassador to Eswatini, His Excellency Jeremy Liang today. Ambassador Liang made the pledge when handing over rice to the Government, as represented by Deputy Prime Minister Thulisile Dladla in Matsapha.

Speaking at the handover event, both the DPM and Ambassador Liang acknowledged and appreciated the long-standing diplomatic relationship between the two countries.

“The Taiwanese Government is always willing to collaborate with the Eswatini Government on food-related matters,” said Ambassador Liang during the handover, reaffirming continued cooperation between the two countries in matters of food security.

The Deputy Prime Minister thanked the Government of Taiwan and reiterated that the gift would go a long way in helping underprivileged Emaswati.

“This rice will feed our children in Neighbourhood Care Points, where you find that children wake up from home with no food, and also have to go to bed without anything in their stomachs. This will help them sustain,” said the Deputy Prime Minister.

The DPM also stated that the rice will be immediately handed over to the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) for distribution to the earmarked centres.

The Deputy Prime Minister came into the office, which largely deals with social welfare programmes, with a lot of experience working with the Government of Taiwan from her role as the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in the previous parliament.