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MBABANE – The Deputy Prime Minister’s Office (DPMO) is calling for submissions of qualifications from persons with disabilities to be considered for inclusion in the government’s roster of qualified candidates.

This information was sourced from a statement posted on the Deputy Prime minister’s office Facebook page. The DPMO is establishing a database of skills and qualifications for persons with disabilities in order to assist with finding relevant employment opportunities.

This initiative is designed to empower individuals with disabilities and provide them with the necessary tools to find meaningful and gainful employment. It is also a step towards ensuring that all individuals have equal access to opportunities. Persons with disabilities are encouraged to submit their qualifications so that they can be included in the database and benefit from the services offered by the DPMO.

The disability advocacy organisation, DIWOSWA, has expressed gratitude for the government’s call for persons with disabilities to submit their qualifications for the DPMO database. However, the organisation also expressed concern that despite the recent efforts to increase employment opportunities for persons with disabilities, there is still a long way to go.

They noted that while some employers have made strides in hiring persons with disabilities, there is still much work to be done to create a more inclusive and accessible workplace. DIWOSWA called on the government to fast-track its efforts to create.

Persons with disabilities who wish to be included in the DPMO database are encouraged to submit their documents via email to the Disability Manager at shongwe.fikile16@gmail.com or through the DPM’s Facebook page inbox. The submissions should be addressed to the Prime Minister’s Office in Eswatini.