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… Comes to the country bearing scholarships gifts


MBABANE – This is the day the Lord has made be glad and rejoice in it.

It has been officially announced that renowned philanthropist Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne will be in the country for a three-day revival at the Mavuso Trade and Exhibition Centre in Manzini.

This forms part of the Holy Ghost and Fire Tour, which has already started across 10 African countries, including Eswatini, where he will preach the Word.

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DR RODNEY HOWARD-BROWNE greeting dignitaries in Malawi

According to the internet, Dr Browne is the founder of River University, author, minister and philanthropist, who provides young Africans with over a thousand scholarships during his tours annually.

There also seems to be for more goodness and mercy as High school leavers who cannot afford to further their studies at tertiary level will be afforded the opportunity to do so as Dr Browne will be in the country to assist the disadvantaged free of charge.

Each scholarship is valued at over E340 000 (US$18 000) and Dr Browne has awarded thousands of scholarships where recipients get to study at the River Bible Institute, River School of Worship and the River School of Government.

Food will also be catered for the hungry as there has already been a distribution of food at the revivals.

The founder of Revival Ministries International and Tampa Bay Church will embark on the tour alongside his team of 19 individuals.

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Dr Rodney HOWARD-BROWNE in Kenya recently

The Communications Officer for the author, Moiponi Morgan, said the countries to be toured include; Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Zambia, Botswana, Uganda and Eswatini between September 23-25, 2023.

In the first two days, there will be revival meetings while the last day will include a leadership meeting at 8am.

“Dr Rodney Howard-Browne is a highly respected figure in the realm of faith, education, and entrepreneurship. During this extraordinary journey, he is expected to engage with heads of State, influential business figures, and conduct mass outreach events within Eswatini,”

“His mission is to empower individuals, inspire transformation, and share the life-changing message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ,”

“The impact of this tour is far-reaching, with thousands of youth benefitting from scholarships provided by him. His commitment to education and nurturing future leaders is unparalleled, setting a remarkable example for others to follow.” she said.

Dr. Browne’s profound influence extends beyond his leadership roles, as he is also an accomplished author.

With his insightful writings, he challenges conventional thinking and inspires readers to examine the impact of historical events on the present and future. The ministry services led by Dr. Browne are characterised by the preaching of the gospel where worshippers experience the anointing and presence of God.

Among his notable works is his best-selling book, ‘The Killing of Uncle Sam: The Demise of the United States of America’, which was released to critical acclaim in May 2018.

Through his church, Revival Ministries International; he rented Madison Square Garden in New York City for an extraordinary six-week period.