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MBABANE – If local award winning Dr Shakes’s social media pages are anything to go by, the artist is booked and busy.

The artist has been busy improving his craft and further taking on other business duties aside from the entertainment industry.

Fresh from his graduation ceremony and his charity birthday celebration yesterday, the comedian is making his presence felt. Born Bonginkhosi Dlamini, Dr Shakes this year alone has bagged over three ambassadorships deals with influential brands like Castle Lager.

Shakes has also been doing well in his side hustle business of clearing lands and upkeep of yards- he also has been doing major event appearances.

Just over this weekend, the comedian who has opened for acts like Sifiso Nene, was the main act at a workshop event. It was during this event that he took time to share his expertise on business and his overall business journey.

During the event, everyone praised Dr Shakes for his authenticity and pushing through, as he did not hide that, things were not as easy.

When interviewed he mentioned that, everyone has time and a chance to become what they want.

“If there is anything COVID-19 taught me is that life is short and you should be in constant pursuit of your dreams. I learnt that nothing can stop me,” he said.

Dlamini in addition to that said, challenges are there moments of confusion but he never gives in to them.

“Sometimes things do not make sense and everything else is dry but prayer and consistency has helped me overcome my demons and moments of darkness,” he said.

In closing Dr Shakes let slip that he was still signing more deals and expecting more deals.